Amid growing tensions within the INDIA bloc, Shiv Sena (Uddhav Balasaheb Thackeray) MP Sanjay Raut declared that his party will go solo in the upcoming municipal elections in Mumbai and Nagpur. Raut, addressing the media on Saturday, revealed that he had discussed the matter with Nagpur party chief Pramod Manmode, confirming that Shiv Sena (UBT) would contest the municipal elections without any alliance support.
Raut emphasized that the decision stems from the need to strengthen the party at the grassroots level. “We will fight Mumbai and Nagpur Municipal Corporation on our own, whatever happens will happen. We have to see for ourselves,” Raut stated. He also pointed out that the current alliance model limits opportunities for party workers, especially in general and assembly elections.
‘Party’s Growth Hindered’
According to Raut, this lack of participation in larger electoral contests has hindered the party’s growth. “In the alliance, workers do not get a chance to fight in the Lok Sabha and the Legislative Assembly. This is affecting the party, in fact, the growth of the party. We should fight in the Municipal Corporation, Zilla Parishad and Nagar Panchayat on our own and strengthen our party,” he added.
Recently, Raut called on the Congress party to take responsibility for revitalizing the alliance, stressing that not a single meeting of the bloc has been held since its formation. “It is true that the INDIA alliance was formed for the Lok Sabha elections and after the elections not a single meeting of the INDIA alliance was held. Congress party was responsible for calling this meeting,” Raut said, voicing his disappointment.
INDIA bloc is facing significant internal challenges, particularly with tensions escalating between Congress and AAP in Delhi ahead of the February 5 assembly elections.
(With ANI Inputs)
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