The theatrical release of ‘Gaslight,’ starring Sara Ali Khan and Vikrant Massey, has been cancelled. The filmmakers announced on Monday that the film will be released directly on Disney+ Hotstar on March 31. ‘Gaslight,’ directed by Pavan Kirpalani, also stars Chitrangda Singh, Rahul Dev, and Akshay Oberoi.
Sara also shared the news on Instagram with her fans and followers.
Can you imagine being stuck in a lift? There is no generator and the lights go out. “Well, this company can’t get any better #Gaslight will be streaming on March 31st on @disneyplushotstar #GaslightOnHotstar,” she wrote, adding a promotional video.
‘Gaslight,’ according to director Pavan, is a high-octane suspense thriller.
“Gaslight is a high-octane suspense thriller, the film will urge you to dig deep and hop onto a journey that brings new twists and turns as the story unfolds. With actors like Sara Ali Khan, Vikrant Massey, and Chitrangda Singh as my lead cast and associating with Disney+ Hotstar, I couldn’t be more excited to share this one with the audiences,” he added.
The film is produced by Ramesh Taurani of Tips Films Ltd. and Akshai Puri of 12th Street Entertainment.
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