The Kerala High Court on Saturday criticized the state government and its Disaster Management Authority (SDMA), accusing them of providing “inaccurate” figures regarding the funds allocated for the rehabilitation of landslide-hit areas in Wayanad.
A bench of Justices AK Jayasankaran Nambiar and Mohammed Nias C P raised concerns over delays in the disbursement of funds, describing the situation as potentially becoming “another disaster.”
The court emphasized that when seeking assistance from the Centre, the state must present accurate financial figures.
The bench also expressed dissatisfaction with the auditing process and the management of disaster relief funds. It ordered the government and the SDMA to submit precise data on the funds allocated, spent, and required for rehabilitation.
Specifically, the court directed that details of the amount drawn from the Rs 677 crore in the State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF) for rehabilitation efforts be presented.
In response, the state government informed the court that it would provide the requested details by Thursday.
The court also cautioned the state against “blaming others” and urged it to adopt a more respectful approach, ensuring that the victims of the disaster were not insulted by the handling of the relief efforts.
The court’s observations came after the Finance Officer of the State Disaster Management Authority presented the accounts related to the disaster relief and rehabilitation funds for the landslides that struck Wayanad in July.
The officer appeared in court following the bench’s directive on Friday to provide information regarding the funds needed for reconstruction and rehabilitation, as well as the financial assistance expected from the Centre.
In addition, the court sought clarity on the amount available in the relief fund before the disaster occurred, the portion of the funds still accessible, and how much of the Centre’s allocated assistance had been utilized. These questions were raised during the hearing of a suo-motu case initiated by the High Court to address the prevention and management of natural disasters in the state, especially following the landslides that devastated three villages in Wayanad and claimed over 200 lives.
Court’s sharp comments highlight ongoing concerns over the adequacy and transparency of disaster relief efforts, particularly in light of the devastating landslides that affected Wayanad earlier this year.
The court’s orders aim to ensure that the funds required for the rehabilitation of the victims are properly accounted for and used effectively.
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