The new Parliament building was inaugurated on May 28, Sunday by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Several Bollywood stars took to social media to celebrate the historic event. On the eve of the inauguration, Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan took to Twitter to write, “What a magnificent new home for the people who uphold our Constitution, represent every citizen of this great Nation and protect the diversity of her one People @narendramodi ji. A new Parliament building for a New India but with the age old dream of Glory for India. Jai Hind! #MyParliamentMyPride”
Meanwhile, actor Akshay Kumar tweeted, “Proud to see this glorious new building of the Parliament. May this forever be an iconic symbol of India’s growth story. #MyParliamentMyPride”
PM Modi installed the sacred Sengol in the new Lok Sabha chamber after performing the Puja. The Adheenams handed over the Sengol to the PM to install in the new Parliament building. The Sengol marked the transfer of power from the British to Indians during independence in 1947.
After the inauguration ceremony, the PM held his first address in the new Parliament building. Calling it an immortal day, the PM said, “More than just a building, the New Parliament reflects the aspirations and dreams of 1.4 billion people. It sends a powerful message to the world about India’s unwavering determination.”
He continued, “The New Parliament will be a testament to the dawn of Aatmanirbhar Bharat. It will be a witness to our journey towards a Viksit Bharat.”
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