Before the visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi on December 13, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath inspected infrastructure and beautification projects in Prayagraj on Saturday. It is a part of the preparations of the state towards the upcoming Mahakumbh-2025 that will be held for cultural and spiritual purposes. CM Yogi is reportedly satisfied with developments and instructed officials to complete remaining works by December 10, with quality.
Inspecting Key Areas
Chief Minister CM Yogi began inspecting from Arail Bandha Road, which reviewed the work that was still under process for widening and beautification. Praising the completed work, CM Yogi said, “Smart Prayagraj is ready to welcome pilgrims and tourists for Mahakumbh, an intangible cultural heritage of humanity.” He underlined the need to give this city and Maha Kumbh Nagar the magnificence and the antiquity of Prayagraj’s past.
He then proceeded to Triveni Pushp. The site comprises a Yoga and Cultural Center. CM Yogi was briefed about the rejuvenation efforts. “Mahakumbh-2025 is an opportunity to showcase India’s ancient spiritual traditions and the heritage of Prayagraj to the world,” he said.
Commitment to Clean and Safe Environment
At Naini, Chief Minister Yogi inspected the Faecal Sludge Treatment Plant and the ongoing drain-tapping projects. While elaborating on environmental protection, he directed the officials not to allow untreated sewage into Ganga and Yamuna rivers. “The double-engine government of Uttar Pradesh is committed to making sure that pilgrims feel the uninterrupted and pure waters of the Ganga, Yamuna, and the mythical Saraswati at the Sangam,” he added.
Spiritual Heritage Exhibition
Concluding his field tour, CM Yogi inspected Shivalaya Park, a 40,000 square meter site that houses replicas of ancient Shiva temples from all over India. He described the park as the central attraction for Mahakumbh, symbolizing the spiritual and cultural traditions of Sanatan culture. The Chief Minister insisted on the importance of cleanliness and beautification, making it an important attraction for pilgrims from all over the world.
Leadership and Support
CM Yogi was accompanied by key officials, including Industrial Development Minister Nand Gopal Gupta ‘Nandi’, Water Resources Minister Swatantra Dev Singh, Prayagraj Mayor Abhilasha Gupta, District Magistrate Vijay Kiran Anand, and senior police officers, demonstrating the collaborative effort behind the project.
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