Customers dining at a roadside restaurant in Chhota Udaipur district, Gujarat, were shocked in the early hours of Tuesday when an SUV smashed into the establishment, injuring three. The incident took place at a makeshift eatery in Bodeli, where plastic tables and cloth walls created a temporary space for locals to dine.
CCTV Video Stuns Viewers: Shocking Scene Captured
It was nearly 1 a.m., and CCTV cameras had just recorded the spectacular incident when the hotly wailing SUV crashed into the restaurant, its beam boring through its fabric walls and crashing into tables.
Viral Video: Speeding SUV Crashes into Restaurant in Gujarat’s Bodeli, Several Injured
— Republic (@republic) December 11, 2024
A customer seated nearest to the oncoming vehicle who was on the phone managed to avoid getting hit by literally jumping out of the way at the last possible moment. However, two other customers at another table seated next to the damaged one were not so lucky. The car hit them before turning forward.
According to officials, three people sustained minor injuries in the accident. Unbelievably, yet, no police complaint has been lodged so far.
The sources further pointed that the restaurant was run without permissions. This might be why its owners are unwilling to take formal complaints. In return, the injured too didn’t seek formal action citing the injury they received as minor.
Since there is no police report, the causes of the crash and whether the driver was drunk or acting carelessly cannot be explained. It simply puts a spotlight on possible risks associated with unregulated establishments. There is also an apparent query regarding the enforceability of measures for safe temporary food establishments.