The statue of revered Lingayat seer Shivakumar Swami, located in Bengaluru’s Veerabhadra Nagar, was vandalised in the early hours of November 30. The accused, 37-year-old delivery executive Srikrishna, confessed to the act during interrogation. His claim of being “inspired” by a vision of Jesus Christ in a dream has left both authorities and locals in disbelief.
The incident, which occurred around 1:30 am, was discovered by residents the following morning, sparking protests in the locality. The residents demanded swift action, leading to Srikrishna’s arrest. He was produced in court and subsequently remanded to judicial custody.
Religious Leader Condemns Act and Justification
Dr. Peter Machado, Archbishop of Bangalore, condemned the accused’s statement, terming it “baseless and reprehensible.” He called on people to resist any attempts at communal provocation.
“The purpose of such statements is only to spread communal tension and discord. This disrespect towards a great saint like Shivakumar Swami Ji, who was a symbol of peace, compassion, and secular values, is unacceptable,” said the Archbishop.
Authorities are now investigating whether Srikrishna’s mental health may have influenced his actions. Police confirmed that a medical evaluation has been conducted and further assessments are ongoing. However, they are refraining from prematurely attributing the incident to psychological factors pending a thorough investigation.
Shivakumar Swami, affectionately referred to as a “walking god,” was a towering figure in Karnataka. Renowned for his philanthropic efforts in education and providing food to the underprivileged, he passed away in 2019 at the age of 111.
The vandalism of his statue has shocked many, prompting calls for unity and caution to prevent any communal disharmony.