In a shocking incident, a 14-year-old student was fatally stabbed outside Rajkiya Sarvodaya Bal Vidyalaya No. 2 in Delhi’s Shakarpur area on Friday. The victim, identified as Ishu Gupta, reportedly got into a heated argument with his classmate Krishna during extra classes at the school.
According to the police, the argument escalated, and after the class ended, Krishna, along with three to four others, allegedly ambushed Ishu outside the school premises.
Teen Stabbed Classmate
Police reports state that one of the accused stabbed Ishu in the thigh during the attack. Ishu collapsed due to his injuries, prompting immediate police intervention.
“Immediately, a team of police, the Anti-Narcotics Squad, and Special Staff were directed to arrest the accused,” read an official statement from the authorities.
Seven individuals, including Krishna, have been detained in connection with the case.
Investigation Underway
The detained individuals are currently under investigation as authorities work to determine their exact roles and motives. “We are investigating their roles and motives. The victim’s body has been sent for post-mortem,” the police statement added.
The incident has shocked the local community and raised concerns about student safety and violence among teenagers.
Previous Incidents of Teens Engaging In Brawls
This tragic incident comes on the heels of a similar case last month in Faridabad. On December 25, a Class 11 student, Anshul, was brutally attacked in a market following an argument with two men, identified as Himanshu Mathur and Rohit Dhama.
Anshul’s sister recounted the harrowing experience, stating that she and her brother were in the market when the accused, along with a group of men, attacked Anshul with sticks and knives. Despite being rushed to the hospital by locals, Anshul succumbed to his injuries.
In that case, the police arrested ten individuals linked to the attack, underscoring the growing concern over violence involving young individuals.