In Ratlam district of Madhya Pradesh, a shocking incident was recently found to have sparked outrage at all levels after a video was discovered in which a 16-year-old boy beat three children with a slipper, forcing them to chant a religious slogan.
The video, which has spread quickly, captures the horrific moment when the teenager strikes the children repeatedly, who were 6, 9, and 11 years old, and verbally abuses them. In the video, he accuses the children of learning to smoke cigarettes and demands the phone numbers of their relatives.
Details Of Incident
The incident reportedly took place about a month and a half ago, though the video surfaced recently. The video was shot at an amusement park under construction near Amritsagar Pond in Ratlam. The children, who reside in Manakchowk, city, are shown to cry and try to shield their faces from the repetitive punches. The children are made to chant the religious slogan while under the ordeal of assault; they say that they would not repeat it.
The video, whose authenticity has not been independently confirmed, has fueled public anger, especially after it began circulating widely on social media platforms. It shows the children visibly distressed, attempting to protect themselves from the teenager’s violent behavior.
Locally, the police reacted on the public’s outcry, confirming that they have charged a case for a 16-year-old boy together with a 14-year-old who videoed and recorded the deplorable acts. The suspects are presently under detention, with claims of assault, verbal abuses, issuing threats, as well as hurting the religious feelings. The authority has reportedly promised the people that necessary steps will be taken in consequence.
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