Telegram’s founder, Pavel Durov, was detained at Le Bourget airport in Paris after arriving on a private jet from Azerbaijan late on Saturday. Reports indicate that Yulia Vavilova, who is believed to be Durov’s girlfriend, was also taken into custody. The arrest has sparked speculation that her presence might have influenced the arrest.
Telegram has released a brief statement asserting that the company complies with European Union laws and that its moderation practices are in line with industry standards. The company emphasized that Durov and Telegram have “nothing to hide” and refuted claims that the platform is responsible for misuse.
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According to reports, Durov’s arrest is connected to a preliminary police investigation into allegations that Telegram has facilitated various crimes due to insufficient moderation.
Yulia Vavilova has frequently been seen with Durov, including on the private jet they traveled on, and she has shared several Instagram stories and photos from their travels in Paris. However, her arrest and her role in the situation remain unclear, as family and friends have been unable to contact her since Durov’s detention.