On Wednesday morning, a two-year-old tiger, reportedly having strayed from the Sariska Tiger Reserve, attacked three people in an agricultural field in the Bandikui area of Dausa. The tiger, identified as ST 2302, left the reserve for the first time and has since been causing concern among the local population.
The attack occurred in Mahukheda village, where Uma Mahawar (47), Vinod Meena (45), and Babulal Meena (48) were working in an agricultural field. The tiger initially attacked Uma Mahawar, who was working on her farm. In an attempt to save her, Vinod and Babulal rushed to help but were also injured in the process.
Medical Response and Hospitalization
All three victims were rushed to Bandikui Hospital for initial treatment. However, due to the severity of their injuries, they were later transferred to SMS Hospital in Jaipur for more advanced care. Ajit Uchoi, the conservator of the forest department in Dausa, provided details about the attack and the subsequent treatment of the victims.
According to Chief Wildlife Warden Pavan Kumar Upadhyay, the tiger, ST 2302, had ventured outside the Sariska Tiger Reserve for the first time. It had been roaming in the Akbarpur range before leaving the reserve entirely. Forest officials have deployed teams to tranquillise the tiger to prevent further attacks. The operation to capture and safely tranquillise the tiger is currently underway, with a team from the Sariska Tiger Reserve joining the efforts.
Pushpendra Sharma, the sarpanch of Mahukheda Panchayat, expressed concern about the safety of local residents. “This attack highlights the risks faced by those living near wildlife reserves,” he said. He further stressed the importance of measures to ensure both human and animal safety in such areas.
Continued Threat from the Tiger
The tiger’s movements have raised alarm, with wildlife authorities urging people in the surrounding areas to stay cautious. The situation remains tense as officials work to prevent further harm to both the public and the animal. The forest department is monitoring the tiger closely to ensure that it is safely tranquillised and returned to its natural habitat.
This incident highlights the growing need for better management of human-wildlife conflict, particularly in areas adjacent to wildlife reserves. As authorities work to resolve the situation, the incident also serves as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of wildlife and the challenges faced by communities living near protected areas.