Mumbai Police have suspended two constables after they were caught on camera allegedly collecting money from shopkeepers in the Reay Road-Darukhana area of Sewri. The incident, which took place on December 27, came to limelight after a video shot by locals went viral on social media. The video, showing the constables in uniform using children to collect money, was widely circulated, with one post tagging the city’s police commissioner.
The constables identified as Vasudev Sudamrao Damaale and Deepak Suresh Navale, were on patrolling duty when the incident took place. Following the viral video, senior police officers took swift action. Deputy Commissioner of Police (Port Zone), Dr. Sudhakar Pathare, suspended both constables on December 30.
A senior officer from the Mumbai Police confirmed that the video evidence prompted an immediate inquiry. The Sewri police station’s senior inspector submitted a preliminary report to Dr. Pathare, who then ordered the suspension and initiated a detailed departmental inquiry.
“Such irresponsible acts tarnish the image of the police force in society,” a police officer said. “The suspension sends a strong message that such behavior will not be tolerated in a disciplined force.”
Dr. Pathare emphasized the seriousness of the incident, stating, “Strict action has been taken to uphold the integrity of the police force and to ensure that public trust is not eroded.”
The swift suspension of the two constables highlights the department’s commitment to accountability and discipline, reinforcing the message that corruption has no place within the police force.
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