Two young men in the early twenties lost their lives in Noida, Uttar Pradesh due to asphyxiation. The accident happened when two men were cooking “Chhole” (chickpeas) on the stove, and the fumes and smoke from the pot led to their untimely demise in Basai village, Sector 70.
The deceased, Upendra (22) and Shivam (23), ran a food stall selling popular dishes like chole bhature and kulche. According to reports, the duo had left a pot of chickpeas on the stove to cook overnight for their business. After setting the pot on the burning stove on Friday night, they went to sleep, leaving the stove unattended in their rented accommodation.
Tragically, the closed room became saturated with smoke and toxic gases as the chickpeas continued to burn. Authorities believe this created a dangerous build-up of carbon monoxide, a colorless and odorless gas that can be fatal when inhaled in high concentrations.
Assistant Commissioner of Police Rajiv Gupta explained that the lack of ventilation in the room exacerbated the situation, leading to oxygen depletion. The hazardous gases from the burning food contributed to the fatal outcome.
Neighbors noticed the smoke emanating from the house on Saturday morning and forced their way in. Despite rushing the two men to a nearby hospital, doctors declared them dead on arrival. Their bodies have been sent for post-mortem examination to confirm the exact cause of death.
Health experts warn that prolonged exposure to smoke in enclosed spaces can lead to severe respiratory issues or death. Carbon monoxide, often emitted from burning fuels in confined areas, is particularly dangerous due to its undetectable nature. Safety measures, such as ensuring proper ventilation and avoiding unattended cooking, are crucial to prevent such tragic accidents.
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