The Himachal Pradesh government has once again found itself embroiled in controversy after a ‘unique’ show-cause notice was issued by the district’s sub-divisional manager to the driver and conductor of the Himachal Road Transport Corporation. The notice followed a complaint alleging that defamatory audio clips targeting Leader of the Opposition (LoP) Rahul Gandhi and other opposition leaders were played in a state-run vehicle.
The notice was issued to driver Tek Raj and conductor Shesh Ram of the Himachal Road Transport Corporation based on a complaint. A person named Samuel Prakash reported the matter to the Chief Minister’s Secretary on November 5. As the political slugfest over the issue intensified, the HRTC on Friday closed the investigation, terming the complaint baseless. It is now being reported that no action will be taken in this matter.
On November 1, bus number HP-63-C-5134 was traveling from Shimla to Sanjauli. It is alleged that an audio program was being played on the bus at a high volume in public. The audio featured a conversation involving Acharya Pramod and others, during which the names of Leader of the Opposition Rahul Gandhi, Akhilesh Yadav, Mamata Banerjee, and Tejashwi Yadav were mentioned.
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