Allu Arjun, one of the most beloved actors in the Indian film industry, recently addressed the tragic incident that occurred during the premiere of his film Pushpa 2: The Rule. The actor, who was arrested on Friday, December 13, in connection with the stampede at the Sandhya Theatre in Hyderabad, held a press conference after being released on bail on December 14. In the emotional address, the actor expressed his deepest condolences to the family of the victim and clarified his position regarding the unfortunate event.
During the press conference, Allu Arjun emphasized that the incident was entirely unintentional and out of his control. He stated, “We’re extremely sorry for the family, and I will personally be there to support them in whatever way possible. It was purely accidental. I was inside the cinema theatre watching a film with my family, and an accident happened outside. There’s no direct connection to me.”
The actor, who had been a regular visitor to the Sandhya Theatre for over two decades, also highlighted that he had never encountered any issues during his previous visits. He expressed his sorrow for the tragic loss and reaffirmed that the situation had escalated due to circumstances beyond his control.
“All I did was wave to my fans from my vehicle. The gesture attracted a large crowd, which led to the unfortunate incident. It’s purely unintentional, purely accidental,” he added, visibly moved by the tragedy.
The stampede occurred when Allu Arjun made a surprise appearance at the theatre, causing an influx of fans outside. The crowd’s enthusiasm, combined with inadequate crowd management, allegedly led to the tragic incident, which resulted in the death of a woman. The actor faced criticism that his surprise appearance led to the chaotic scene, but he firmly denied any intentional wrongdoing.
Police reports indicate that the stampede was triggered by the rush to get closer to the actor, but Allu Arjun clarified that he had no idea the crowd would grow to such an extent. “I was not even aware of the situation outside until I was informed later,” he said.
Allu Arjun was granted interim bail by the Telangana High Court after spending a night in jail due to delays in processing his bail order. The court ruled that there was no malicious intent behind the actor’s actions, granting him a four-week interim bail with a personal bond of Rs 50,000.
Despite his release, Allu Arjun continues to face scrutiny over the incident. However, he remains resolute, stating that he has the utmost respect for the law and that he will cooperate fully with any investigations. “I stand by my love and sympathies for the family, and I will continue to support them through this difficult time,” he said.
The actor concluded the press conference by urging his fans to understand that the tragedy was purely accidental and that no one could have foreseen such a devastating outcome. “It’s a tragedy that no one wanted to happen, and we all share in the grief,” he said. His emotional appeal emphasized his commitment to supporting the victim’s family during their time of loss.
As the incident continues to make headlines, Allu Arjun’s heartfelt message of sympathy and his assurance to assist the family in every possible way has resonated deeply with his fans and the public. The actor’s involvement in the unfortunate incident was purely unintentional, and he has vowed to make every effort to ensure such an incident does not occur again in the future.
ALSO READ: Allu Arjun Pledges Support To Victim’s Family After Jail Release
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