A scary accident occurred in Adarsh Nagar, Delhi, on Thursday morning where a 56-year-old man and his seven-year-old grandson injured. He was hit and dragged by a speeding car, with the incident occurring at 10:11 am and caught on CCTV camera.
It was at the time when Rajesh Kumar Kamra, 56, was walking on the road with his grandson, Mannat, in his arms that the accident happened. On the left side of the road, he and the grandson were walking when a speeding white Hyundai Santro veered right towards them. Though Kamra dodged the vehicle by his reflexes, it struck the pair. The Santro first hit a white scooter and then struck Kamra, dragging him along with the car.
The CCTV footage of the whole incident shows the sequence of chaotic events. The car kept dragging Kamra and his grandson under its rear wheels after hitting Kamra. The scooter rider who had been hit by the car tried to get up but could not, since he was struggling through this scenario. The most worrying moment was when Kamra turned around and found that his grandson was trapped under the car.
Watch the video here:
A juvenile in #Delhi’s #Adarsh nagar drives a Santro car recklessly, thrashing pedestrians inciuding a 55-year-old with his grandson.
Screams of mother of the child can be heard in the CCTV
Delhi police says probe is underway@DelhiPolice pic.twitter.com/c80cutXdwJ
— Simran (@SimranBabbar_05) December 16, 2024
Quick Response By Passers-By Saves Situation
In what could turn out to be a deadly accident, some bystanders rushed toward the scene when they witnessed the accident happening and forced the car open, as it had began reversing since the collision; they dragged out the young Mannat who had gotten stuck from under the car. Despite his injury, the young boy was a lucky soul.
The 17-year-old car driver was taken into police custody. Authorities have taken the car in their possession and are inquiring about the incident that occurred. The police have also registered a case against the car owner for allowing the minor to drive.
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