Delhi Chief Minister Atishi, in a lighthearted yet pointed remark, seemed to take a humorous jab at Bharatiya Janata Party MLA Vijender Gupta, offering to ensure that he wins the next elections for the Delhi Assembly if the issue of reinstatement of bus marshals for the safety of women is done.
Atishi’s comments, made during a sitting of the Delhi Assembly on Friday afternoon, sparked a renewed debate over the issue, which has been a point of contention between the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government and the Lieutenant Governor (LG) of Delhi, VK Saxena.
The debate over reinstating bus marshals in Delhi has been ongoing since October of the previous year. The BJP-led government, in its controversial move, first removed the bus marshals, which were responsible for ensuring women’s safety on public buses. The issue became a topic of discussion in Delhi’s political circles. When Atishi raised the issue during the assembly session, she humorously offered a deal to BJP MLA Vijender Gupta, who had been quite vocal in criticizing AAP’s stance on the issue.
Atishi replied, laughing away the tension, “On 10th November, we had a meeting. On 13th November, we presented our report to LG saab. Today is the 29th November. And now the proposal to reintroduce bus marshals is pending before him….” she added, after agreeing that Gupta was right about the comments, “Vijender saab keeps saying, ‘We took them away (bus marshals) because then Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal told. OK”. I am also Chief Minister and now I am saying, ‘please bring them back’.”
Atishi’s comments took a light-hearted turn as she directed a playful jab at Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena, who has had frequent run-ins with the AAP government. If he listens to all that a Chief Minister says … he can listen to all that I say and return the bus marshals to the roads,” quipped Atishi, referencing to the tensions between the AAP ruling government and the office of the LG. After this, the Chief Minister made an “offer” to Gupta, suggesting he “just get the file for the appointment of bus marshals signed by the LG”. I will convince my party not to field any candidate against you… I will also campaign for you.
The row over the restoration of bus marshals is part of a larger political and administrative battle between the Delhi government and the Lieutenant Governor. In October 2022, VK Saxena ordered the redeployment of 10,000 personnel who were Civil Defence Volunteers to fill up posts in the Home Guards. This decision came after objections from the Directorate of Civil Defence, which said that the volunteers were meant for disaster management work and not for driving public buses.
The Delhi government however, passed a proposal just last week to reinstate all 10,000 personnel to their original job as bus marshals. Since these personnel were temporarily resorted to for anti-pollution work across the entire city, the proposal they submitted to the LG was viewed with concern by Saxena when he asked for a more proper plan with details of responsibilities, roles, budget provisions, and service conditions where cabinet approval would be considered.
Atishi’s comments reflect the continued tensions between the Delhi government and the Lieutenant Governor’s office. The issue of bus marshals is just one of many areas where the two bodies have clashed in the past. Despite the political friction, Atishi seemed optimistic, suggesting that the reinstatement of marshals would help secure not only the safety of women but also provide political benefits for those involved in pushing the initiative forward.
While Atishi has been Chief Minister since September, she has already seen her share of disputes with the Lieutenant Governor, much like her predecessor, Arvind Kejriwal. In an interesting twist, though, VK Saxena recently complimented Atishi, calling her “a thousand times better” than the officials who had previously handled the Delhi government.
As the Delhi Assembly elections are approaching, Atishi and her party are in a tough situation to win a third consecutive term. The AAP has been under constant criticism from the BJP and its allies, especially regarding issues like the air quality crisis and corruption allegations surrounding the former Chief Minister. However, the issue of women’s safety on public transport, symbolized by the reinstatement of bus marshals, remains a key topic in the political discourse, as both parties vie for voter support.
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