The Member of Parliament for Bengaluru South, Tejasvi Surya, announced that he will be marrying Shivasree Skanda Prasad, a renowned classical music singer and Bharatanatyam artist based in Chennai. This news puts an end to all the speculations about Surya’s marital life, and the couple has confirmed their wedding date for March 4 of the next year, making this an exciting moment in both their personal and professional journeys.
Shivasree Skanda Prasad: Classical Musician, Dancer, And Scholar
Shivasree Skanda Prasad is known more for her expertise in art along with academic capabilities. A local of Chennai, she has carved out an exciting portfolio as an artist in traditional classical music as well as an exponent of Bharatanatyam. Shivasree has an undergraduate degree from Shastra University in Bioengineering and a couple of postgraduates in the form of Bachelor of Arts, Bharatanatyam and postgraduate Master in Sanskrit degrees from Chennai University and Chennai Sanskrit College.
In addition to her academic achievements, Shivasree has also carved out a niche for herself in the digital space. She has more than 200,000 subscribers on her YouTube channel and is sharing her music and dance performances with a global audience. Her influence even extends to the world of film as she has lent her voice to a song in the popular Kannada film Ponniyan Selvan 2.
Shivasree’s work was seen at the highest levels and garnering praise from even Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He appreciated her musical tribute to Lord Rama, which she rendered while inaugurating the Ayodhya Ram temple. Another notable contribution that won his appreciation was her song “Pujisalende Hugala Baba,” which still signifies her growing significance in the classical arts.
Tejasvi Surya: The Energetic Political Leader
Tejasvi Surya, the young MP from Bengaluru South, is equally accomplished outside his political career. Surya, who is an RSS worker, has made a name for himself for his hard work and his contributions during his second term in office. Known for his enthusiasm and approachability, he has managed to keep his personal life under wraps until now, with the announcement of his marriage being a widely anticipated event.
Beyond his political duties, Surya is a healthy lifestyle activist. His love for sports is known, and cycling and walking are some of his favorite activities. Recently, he emerged victorious in the Iron Man Marathon in Goa, which further defines his versatile personality.
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