A 34-year-old software engineer, Atul Subhash, originally from Uttar Pradesh, tragically ended his life at his Bengaluru residence, leaving behind a 24-page note and a video that has since gone viral. In his final message, Subhash accused his estranged wife and her family of relentless harassment, citing ongoing marital disputes and allegations of extortion.
Subhash, an employee of a private firm in Bengaluru, was found hanging at his residence in the Manjunath Layout area. Before taking the drastic step, he meticulously placed his death note, vehicle keys, and a list of completed and pending tasks on a cupboard. He also hung a placard in his home that read, *”Justice is due.”*
The detailed note consisted of four handwritten pages and 20 typed pages, starting with the haunting words, “Justice is due.” Subhash detailed the emotional and legal struggles he endured, accusing his wife and her family of using his four-year-old son as a “tool” in their alleged extortion attempts.
Our emotions and love for children can’t get defiled like this, and they can’t become a tool of money transfer (or so-called social justice) scheme from a man to a woman,” he wrote, despairing of the misuses of family connections.
He was recalling his experiences in a family court in Uttar Pradesh, where he was fighting multiple cases filed by his wife and her family. His brother alleged in a police complaint that the wife’s family fabricated false charges against Subhash and demanded a settlement of ₹3 crore to resolve these disputes.
Before ending his life, Subhash e-mailed his note to a number of people, shared it with an NGO’s WhatsApp group, and recorded a video disclosing the reasons behind his decision. The video and note have become viral, causing anger and demand for action.
The Bengaluru Police have filed a case against Subhash’s wife and her family members based on the complaint filed by his brother. Now, the authorities are investigating the allegations and circumstances that led to his death.
The incident had sparked much debate on social networking sites with hashtags like #JusticeForAtulSubhash trending after netizens demanded accountability and needed reforms in handling marital and other legal disputes. Many further raised the issue of their mental health struggles while men grapple with such conflicts.
The tragic death of Subhash has brought into light the complexities of marital disputes and the alleged misuse of legal systems. As investigations continue, his story serves as a grim reminder of the emotional toll these conflicts can take and the need for systemic reforms to prevent such tragedies in the future.
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