Bengaluru is bracing for more heavy rainfall, with the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) issuing a yellow alert for the city due to the ongoing effects of Cyclone Fengal. While schools in Bengaluru remain open, other districts in Karnataka have already announced school closures due to the heavy downpours. As more rain is forecasted, parents in Bengaluru are waiting for updates on whether schools will be closed on Thursday.
Bengaluru experienced significant rainfall on Wednesday, which raised concerns about the possibility of school closures. Despite these adverse weather conditions, no official announcement regarding school closures has been made for Thursday. The IMD has warned of more rainfall in Bengaluru and surrounding districts due to Cyclone Fengal, which continues to affect the region.
As the rain persists, many parents in Bengaluru are hoping for school closures on Thursday. However, the authorities have yet to provide confirmation. The IMD predicts that the city and surrounding areas will continue to experience rainfall in the coming days, exacerbating the challenges for commuters and residents.
While Bengaluru awaits official updates, several districts in Karnataka have already declared school holidays due to continuous heavy rainfall. Schools in Mandya, Mysuru, Kolar, Chamarajanagar, and Chikkaballapur have been closed, with holidays announced earlier this week. These districts have been facing torrential downpours since Sunday, leading to school closures on Monday and Tuesday as well.
The IMD has issued a yellow alert for Bengaluru Urban, Bengaluru Rural, Kolar, Chikkaballapura, Ramanagara, Dakshina Kannada, and Udupi districts, indicating more rainfall in the coming days. Meanwhile, an orange alert has been issued for districts like Kodagu, Mysuru, Chamarajanagar, Mandya, Hassan, Chikkamagaluru, and Shivamogga, where rainfall intensity has been higher.
A new weather system, the Western Disturbance, is expected to influence weather patterns starting from December 7. This disturbance, which will impact the western Himalayan region and surrounding plains, is expected to bring additional rainfall to Karnataka, further complicating the weather situation.
As Bengaluru continues to face challenging weather conditions, parents are hoping for clarity on whether schools will remain open on Thursday. While schools in other parts of Karnataka have already been closed, Bengaluru authorities are still evaluating the situation. With Cyclone Fengal’s continued impact, more updates are expected in the coming days.
MUST READ:Cyclone Fengal: Karnataka Faces Heavy Rain, Traffic Chaos And School Closures
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