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Can A Town Clock Lead To Prague’s Doom? All About Orloj- The Cursed Clock

Prague, the capital of Czechia, while a breathtaking destination, houses some of the most offbeat stories hidden in its depths. From the Gate to Hell in Houska Castle to the cursed Iron Knight of Prague, the city is filled with myths and mysteries, with tales as old as time.

If you’re a traveler looking to travel internationally but want to keep it classic with a mix of mystery and old-school adventure, Prague must be at the top of your list. While the current Gen-Zs have had everybody believe that destinations like Dubai, South Korea, Indonesia and Paris are a must-visit for all travelers, what often goes amiss are places rich in their history, heritage and cultures.

The capital of Czechia, while a breathtaking destination, houses some of the most offbeat stories hidden in its depths. From the Gate to Hell in Houska Castle to the cursed Iron Knight of Prague, the city is filled with myths and mysteries, with tales as old as time.

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History Of Orloj

One such very profound myth or rather mystery, that drowns the entire city of Prague is the curse of the astronomical clock or Orloj.

Situated in the old town square, the first recorded mention of the clock was in the year 1410 however, the calendar dial of the clock was notably added later in the year 1490, when the clock was further decorated with gothic scriptures and has ever since been known to be a masterpiece of clockmaking

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Now, one might wonder how a clock could be a curse on an entire city. Made by Jan Růže, also known as Master Hanuš, gradually came to be known as the biggest mistake.

The Curse Of Master Hanuš

According to a legend, recounted by Alois Jirásek, it has been said that the clockmaker Hanuš was blinded on the order of the Prague Councillors so that he could not repeat his work in another city; however, this order took an ugly turn when Hanuš, enraged by the act, disabled the clock, and no one was able to repair it for the next hundred years.

The legend also has it that Hanuš, in his act of rage, had proceeded to put a curse on the broken clock that anybody who tried to repair it would either die or go insane. The medieval tower clock was designed with three-quarters of the components of the original clock, which was made in the 15th century and is based on the idea that the Earth is the center of the universe.

The Orloj displays the astronomical time, Central European time, old-Czech time, and Babylonian time, where the twelve apostles that are designed above the main clock parade in two windows at every hour.

The Greater Curse: Prague’s Doom

While one might think the curse only affects those who repair the clock, there is more to the legend. According to local folklore, Prague and the entire Czech Republic will suffer the day the Astronomical Clock malfunctions or is neglected. The clock’s exterior features four figures that symbolize vices: desire, vanity, greed, and death.

A skeleton rings a bell every hour, while the other figures shake their heads, signifying that the people of the city are not yet ready to die. However, legend says that if the clock is ignored for too long, the skeleton will nod its head in confirmation, dooming the city. The only hope? A boy born on New Year’s night, destined to break the curse.

Orloj: A Timeless Mystery

Despite such folklore, over the years, the clock has undergone repairs and modifications. Since 1552, Jan Táborský, after he mechanized the four virtues, spent 20 years fixing the clock.

With all its myths and legends, the 600-year-old piece of medieval machinery continues to draw tourists from far and wide to witness the clock in all its glory and be a part of the legend in one way or another. The Orloj has become one of the famous landmarks in the Czech capital, which is home to several other ancient architecture with stories of their own.

Do you believe that the capital city of Czech will face its doom only because its city clock stopped functioning? It’s worth finding out!

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