A customer in Hyderabad was left appalled after discovering a cockroach in biryani ordered from Biryaniwala, a popular restaurant in Banjara Hills. According to reports, the individual raised the issue with the management, only to receive an indifferent response. Allegedly, the staff replied dismissively, saying, “What can we do?”
The incident quickly gained attention after videos and photographs of the contaminated dish surfaced on social media. Outraged netizens criticized the restaurant’s negligence and called for stricter enforcement of food safety standards.
This is not an isolated incident. Over the past few months, several similar cases of poor food hygiene have emerged in Hyderabad, targeting even some well-known establishments:
These incidents have highlighted systemic hygiene lapses across Hyderabad’s food industry, affecting both small roadside stalls and high-end restaurants. Despite periodic inspections by GHMC, the frequency of such cases suggests a lack of consistent enforcement and adherence to food safety protocols.
Although GHMC has been working to improve hygiene standards in the city’s restaurants, the persistent reports of insects and contaminants in food cast doubt on the effectiveness of these efforts. With public anger growing, all eyes are now on the concerned authorities to take stricter measures and hold negligent establishments accountable.
The repeated incidents emphasize the need for immediate action to ensure food safety and hygiene in Hyderabad. Customers, meanwhile, are urged to report such violations to authorities and demand higher standards from eateries to prevent further occurrences.
The recent surge in food safety violations serves as a wake-up call for both authorities and restaurants. Establishments must prioritize hygiene to maintain public trust, and officials must enforce stricter regulations to protect consumer health.
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