Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Friday launched a special radio channel, ‘Kumbhvani’, to broadcast live updates and provide information about the Maha Kumbh Mela, which is set to begin on January 13 in Prayagraj. The channel, launched by Prasar Bharti, will cater to people in remote and rural areas of the country, ensuring that they can access information about the grand spiritual event despite connectivity challenges.
Speaking at the inaugural event, CM Adityanath expressed his appreciation for Prasar Bharti’s initiative, emphasizing that the new radio channel would bridge the gap for those who cannot attend the event in person. “Through this radio channel, we will bring the Maha Kumbh to every corner of the country, especially to those in remote villages,” the Chief Minister said. The channel will broadcast daily from 5:55 AM to 10:05 PM and will be available on the 103.5 MHz frequency from January 10 until February 26.
The Chief Minister also praised the role of radio in preserving cultural traditions. He reflected on how Akashvani, a public radio service, was an essential medium during his childhood for connecting people to religious and cultural content, particularly the recitations of Ramcharitmanas. Despite the rise of visual media, Adityanath lauded Prasar Bharti for maintaining its reach in areas where digital connectivity is still limited.
In his address, Adityanath underlined the spiritual and unifying significance of the Maha Kumbh, a celebration of Sanatan Dharma. He invited people to experience the inclusivity of the event, noting that the Kumbh is a place where individuals from all castes, communities, and backgrounds come together in a shared spiritual experience. “The Maha Kumbh is not just a religious event; it symbolizes unity, where everyone, regardless of their background, gathers to bathe in the holy Sangam,” he remarked.
The CM also highlighted the importance of the Maha Kumbh in sending a message of global unity. “The Maha Kumbh is a mega spiritual gathering that brings together all religions and communities. It is a beacon of unity and pride for Sanatan Dharma, visible to the world,” he added.
During his visit to Prayagraj, Yogi Adityanath also unveiled a statue of the late MP Kamla Bahuguna and inaugurated the ‘Maa Ki Rasoi’ initiative by Nandi Seva Sansthan, aimed at providing free meals to those in need at the Swaroop Rani Nehru Hospital.
The launch of ‘Kumbhvani’ radio channel marks a new step in ensuring the Maha Kumbh’s significance is shared with people across the nation, offering them an opportunity to be part of this extraordinary spiritual event, no matter where they are located.
(With ANI Inputs)
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