The world’s largest religious gathering, the Mahakumbh Mela in Uttar Pradesh’s Prayagraj, has entered its third day. Over six crore devotees have already performed the sacred ritual of taking a holy dip during the auspicious Paush Purnima and Makar Sankranti festivals. Despite dense fog and biting cold, lakhs of pilgrims continue to arrive at the confluence of the Ganga, Yamuna, and Saraswati rivers to participate in the ongoing grand event.
Highlights of Mahakumbh Day 3
While January 15, the third day of the Mahakumbh, was not a designated major bathing day, countless devotees and religious sects from across the nation and abroad gathered at the Triveni Sangam. The sheer scale and energy of the event demonstrate its profound spiritual significance and cultural grandeur.
Key Dates for Upcoming Holy Baths in Mahakumbh
The Mahakumbh Mela commenced on January 13 and will conclude on February 26. Key dates for upcoming rituals include:
- January 29 (Mauni Amavasya): Second Shahi Snan
- February 3 (Basant Panchami): Third Shahi Snan
- February 12 (Maghi Purnima)
- February 26 (Maha Shivaratri): Final day of celebrations
The first two significant bathing days, Paush Purnima on January 13 and Makar Sankranti on January 14, witnessed massive participation. Naga sadhus led the ascetics’ procession during the Makar Sankranti ‘Amrit Snan.’
CM Yogi Adityanath Reviews Arrangements
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath held a high-level review meeting on Wednesday to ensure flawless management of the event. Stressing the importance of readiness for Mauni Amavasya on January 29, he said, “Over 8-10 crore devotees are expected on this key bathing day.”
A press release revealed that more than six crore devotees had already participated in the holy dip during Paush Purnima and Makar Sankranti.
Modern Innovations for a Seamless Experience
QR Codes on Electric Poles
In a unique initiative, over 50,000 electric poles have been equipped with QR codes to assist lost pilgrims in reuniting with their families. Scanning these codes provides precise location details.
Enhanced Telecom Infrastructure
The Department of Telecommunications has upgraded communication systems across the Mela area, ensuring seamless connectivity for millions of attendees.
Food Safety on Wheels
Mobile laboratories, known as ‘Food Safety on Wheels,’ have been deployed to inspect eateries and ensure hygiene standards.
Cleaning and Sanitation Efforts
A massive cleanliness drive has been launched to maintain hygiene at the Sangam Ghats. Workers are actively cleaning the ghats and public toilets to accommodate the steady influx of devotees.
Tech-Enabled Navigation
To aid navigation, Esri India has introduced a GIS-based web application available in Hindi and English. The app provides real-time updates on accommodations, parking, snan ghats, traffic, weather, and lost-and-found centers.
International Participation
A 21-member delegation from ten countries, including Fiji, Finland, and South Africa, will take a holy dip on January 18. Arrangements for their stay have been made at the Tent City in Arail by the Uttar Pradesh State Tourism Development Corporation.
Unique Stories from the Mahakumbh Mela
Abhay Singh, an aerospace engineering graduate from IIT Bombay, has joined the Mahakumbh as ‘IITian Baba.’ Reflecting on his journey, he said, “Pursuing knowledge has led me to this spiritual path.”
Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati expressed her joy at the event’s message of peace and devotion. She stated, “This is not just an event but a ‘Shanti Sangam’ bringing the world together.”
Economic Impact of Mahakumbh
The Mahakumbh 2025, with an estimated budget of ₹7,500 crore, is expected to generate revenue of ₹2 lakh crore. The influx of 45 crore devotees will boost tourism, hospitality, and local businesses in the region.
Hari Om, a devotional OTT platform, has offered free subscriptions to attendees, enhancing their spiritual experience.
As the Mahakumbh continues, the blend of ancient traditions with modern technology ensures a spiritually enriching and well-organized experience for all. With millions of devotees arriving daily, the event stands as a testament to India’s enduring cultural and spiritual heritage.