A significant development has emerged from the Maha Kumbh Mela, as a man who had threatened to carry out a terrorist attack during the event has been arrested by the police. The accused, identified as Ayush Kumar Jaiswal, was taken into custody by the Maha Kumbh police after they traced the threat to his actions.
Bomb Threat At Mahakumbh
The arrest comes after a bomb threat was posted on social media, claiming that a bombing during the Maha Kumbh would kill 1,000 people. The threat was made under the fake identity of ‘Nasir Pathan’ on Instagram. According to the police, Ayush Kumar Jaiswal created this fraudulent profile with the intention of framing his neighbor, Nasir Pathan, who lived nearby.
How the Police Tracked the Accused of the Bomb Threat
The Maha Kumbh police acted swiftly after the threat went viral, launching an investigation against an unknown individual. Using IP address tracking, they were able to pinpoint the identity of the person behind the threat. The investigation led to the formation of three police teams to apprehend the suspect.
After the case gained widespread attention, it was discovered that Ayush Kumar Jaiswal had fled to Nepal. However, upon his return to Bihar, the police were able to arrest him with the help of the Bihar Police.
Ayush Kumar Jaiswal, a resident of Shadiganj area in the Bhawanipur police jurisdiction of Purnia district, Bihar, was arrested by a combined team of Maha Kumbh and Bihar police. Following his arrest, Jaiswal was brought to Prayagraj for further questioning.
Motive Behind the Bomb Threat
According to police sources, Ayush Kumar Jaiswal is still a student. His motive for making the threat was to frame his neighbor, Nasir Pathan, in a bid to have him arrested and sent to jail. The threat was a calculated attempt to create suspicion around Pathan, and the police are now investigating the full scope of Jaiswal’s actions.
Next Steps in the Investigation
After Jaiswal’s arrest, he will undergo extensive questioning by the Prayagraj police, who will continue their investigation into the incident. Authorities are likely to take further action based on the information gathered during the interrogation.
This incident has raised concerns about safety during large events like the Maha Kumbh, but thanks to the prompt action of the police, the situation has been brought under control.