As a cold wave continues to sweep across India, the city of Prayagraj, known for hosting the Mahakumbh Mela, is feeling the chill. The temperature in the region dropped significantly, with the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) recording a minimum of 12°C. Visuals from the city showed locals and devotees bundled up in winter attire, sitting around bonfires for warmth as they continued with their activities.
Devotees Persist in Cold to Observe Sacred Rituals
Despite the freezing temperatures, the cold did not deter devotees from participating in sacred rituals. Many pilgrims were seen bathing in the Sangam Ghat, a practice central to the Mahakumbh Mela. Rajeev Kumar Singh, a visitor from Pratapgarh, shared that it is a tradition for devotees to bathe in the holy waters regardless of the weather. He stated, “It has become very cold here. However, it is a ritual for the devotees to take a bath in the Sangam Ghat no matter what situation it is.” Sheela Soni, another devotee, echoed similar sentiments, adding that the winter conditions did not impact their devotion to worship.
Mahakumbh Mela: Preparations Amid Harsh Weather
Prayagraj is gearing up for the Mahakumbh Mela, the world’s largest spiritual congregation, expected to attract over 45 crore visitors. The event, set to take place after 12 years, marks a significant spiritual occasion for millions of pilgrims. To assist the public with weather conditions during the event, the IMD launched a dedicated webpage for regular weather updates, which will be provided every 15 minutes along with a twice-daily forecast.
The Mahakumbh Mela, rooted in Sanatan Dharma, celebrates a celestial alignment that is believed to purify souls and provide moksha (liberation). Pilgrims from all over the world come to the Sangam, the confluence of the Ganga, Yamuna, and Saraswati rivers, to take part in the holy dip. Despite the freezing cold, the devotion of the devotees remains unwavering as they prepare for the historic gathering.
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