Delhi T1 Airport Canopy Collapse: Civil Aviation Minister Announces Rs 20L Compensation, Operations Suspended

A section of the canopy which is outside of the airport has collapsed due to heavy rains in Delhi’s IGI Airport.

Following the tragic collapse of a portion of the canopy at Delhi Airport’s Terminal 1 early this morning amidst heavy rainfall, Union Minister of Civil Aviation K Ram Mohan Naidu has announced compensatory measures and provided updates on the situation.


  • Compensation Announcement: The Union Minister announced a compensation of Rs 20 lakh for the next of kin of the deceased who lost their life in the incident. Additionally, Rs 3 lakh each will be provided to those injured.

  • Response to the Incident: Minister Naidu emphasized that the government is taking the incident seriously. He clarified that the collapsed structure belongs to the old section of Terminal 1, opened in 2009, and not the recently inaugurated building by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
  • Emergency Response: Immediate emergency response teams, including fire safety personnel, CISF, and NDRF teams, were dispatched to the site. The situation is under control, and thorough inspections are ongoing to ensure no further casualties or incidents occur.
  • Flight Operations Suspension: In light of the incident, all flight operations from Terminal 1 have been suspended until further notice. The Ministry of Civil Aviation stated that alternate arrangements are being made to facilitate the smooth operation of flights during this period.

The collapse occurred due to heavy rains, impacting operations and necessitating comprehensive safety checks across the terminal premises. The incident has prompted a focused response from authorities, aiming to manage the aftermath and prevent any recurrence of such incidents in the future.

For ongoing updates and developments, the Ministry of Civil Aviation continues to monitor the situation closely, ensuring necessary measures are taken to restore normalcy at Delhi Airport’s Terminal 1.