Kolkata fire: Massive Fire Breaks Out At Kolkata Mall

A massive fire broke out at Kolkata’s Acropolis Mall on Friday, June 14.

A massive fire broke out at Kolkata’s Acropolis Mall on Friday afternoon, June 14. The sudden breakout of the fire left several of the people feared to be trapped amidst the blaze causing panic amongst the crowd. While the details regarding any casualties are still awaited. It has been reported that the fire department was quick to respond after they received the alert. Several fire engines were swiftly deployed to the place of the incident to curb and control the rapidly spreading fire. According to reports, at least ten fire tenders were dispatched to the scene. Firefighters and emergency personnels had been working towards effectively evacuate the mall as well as the several offcies that had been housed within the complex.

Several videos of the incident capturing the immediate evacuation have surfaced over the internet and have been doing the rounds on the social media. The videos show people rushing out of the mall as thick plumes of smoke billowed into the sky.

Nonetheless additional details and developments about what caused the fire and it’s impact are still awaited with the fire department officials, stating that an investigation is underway to determine the origin of the blaze.