A playful and hilarious exchange between a Zomato customer and the food delivery platform has gone viral on social media. The interaction revolved around the popular Instagram game involving phrases like “Ek machhli” (one fish) and “Paani mein gayi” (went into the water). The customer, Ritika, ordered a single fish fry, prompting Zomato’s social media team to join the fun with a mischievous “Paani mein gayi” response. Ritika continued the game with a witty “Chappak.” The light-hearted exchange gained over 3 lakh views on X and garnered praise for Zomato’s humorous online presence.
The viral interaction showcases the creative and engaging approach of Zomato’s social media team, known for their playful responses. Users on X appreciated the witty banter, with comments reflecting a positive reception to Zomato’s sense of humor. The exchange adds to Zomato’s reputation for entertaining interactions on social media, creating a connection with users beyond food delivery services.
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