A viral post attributing a quote to Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal during a courtroom exchange, where he allegedly questioned Additional Solicitor General Suryaprakash V Raju about arresting Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah based on a statement of paying them ₹100 crore, has been debunked as fake. The exchange did not occur in the Delhi courtroom as claimed on social media.
The misinformation originated from a post by AAP Ka Mehta (@DaaruBaazMehta) on X, with a caption portraying Kejriwal’s response as “savage.” However, there is no evidence or credible media reports supporting this claim. Several reporters who covered the court proceedings, including Tanishka Sodhi from Newslaundry and Awais Usmani from Press Trust of India, confirmed that such an exchange did not take place.
During the court hearing, Kejriwal addressed various aspects of his arrest by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in connection to the liquor policy case. He alleged a political conspiracy and questioned the basis of his arrest as a sitting chief minister with no formal charges filed against him. The complete details of the hearing are available in a Newslaundry article covering the arguments presented and Kejriwal’s statements during the session.
In conclusion, the viral claim of Arvind Kejriwal’s “savage” reply in court is false and lacks any substantiated evidence from reliable sources or media reports.