In Japan, 41-year-old Akihiko Kondo is celebrating six years of marriage to Hatsune Miku, a popular fictional character. Miku, a virtual pop singer with long turquoise hair, is a Vocaloid software voicebank created by Crypton Future Media in 2007. Kondo, a self-identified “fictosexual” — someone who feels romantic or sexual attraction to fictional characters — first fell in love with Miku shortly after her release.
Kondo’s relationship journey has been anything but typical. He faced bullying and rejection for his deep interest in anime and fictional characters, particularly Miku. This led him to be diagnosed with an adjustment disorder.
However, he credits Miku’s “healing voice” for helping him find strength and reconnect with society. Eventually, he proposed to her through a hologram device that allowed limited interaction. In 2018, he held a wedding ceremony in Tokyo, spending nearly $13,000 to formalize his love.
Kondo’s devotion is evident — on November 4, he marked their anniversary by sharing a photo of a cake with the message, “I like Miku very much. Happy six-year anniversary.” Although the software that once allowed him to communicate with Miku is no longer available, Kondo continues to honor their bond by spending time with a life-sized model of her.
Kondo’s relationship has received mixed reactions. Some admire his happiness and dedication, while others express skepticism.
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