How Did Tik-Tok Ignited The Tax Protests in Kenya?

Recently, Kenya is grappling with deadly protests. On Tuesday the nation witnessed 5 deaths and 31 injuries, the police in Narobi are firing tear gas and water cannons at the crowds. And the initials of the outrage allegedly started on Tik-Tok. How did Tik-Tok spurred protests?

A simple online outrage has turned out to be massive chaos in Kenya when on Wednesday five people were shot dead and 31 people were injured. The demonstrators till now were peacefully protesting, However the violent clashes occured on Tuesday with the crowds pelting stones at the police.

What is the reason for the massive Outrage?

The reason is a latest bill, presented by the Kenyan government that aims to enforce an extra tax of $2.7 billion to reduce the budget deficit and state borrowing.

Budget deficit is basically occurs when a country’s expenditure crosses its revenue, in simple terms when you are spending more than your savings.

And this extra tax has been imposed on basic commodities like bread, vegetable oil and sugar.

How did Tik-Tok ignited the protests?

When the bill was introduced, GenZs to express displeasure over the bill made short explainer videos on the topic. The videos quicly garnered everyone’s attention. Very soon these videos managed to make their ways to other social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and X. The entire nation started to understand the grave repurcussions of the bill.

Along with explainer videos, people also started to convery their personal sufferings on Tik Tok. The platform’s short format algorithm enabled the users to post their dissent with impactful music remixes.

Soon, #OccupyParliament, #RejectFinanceBill2024 were trending on Tik-Tok.

Even the plan to march and protest was organized online. Videos, memes all around the platform to encourage everyone to wear black clothes for the protest.

And at the last the GenZs displeasure over the bill did not stay put to Tik-tok