In a surprising incident from Maharashtra’s Dharashiv district, three young girls have allegedly staged their own kidnapping in a bid to raise money for a trip to South Korea to meet the popular K-pop band BTS. The girls, aged 11 and 13, had devised this plan as a way to fund their dream journey.
Girls Found At Mohol Bus Stand, Maharashtra
On December 27, the Dharashiv police received an urgent call on their helpline. The caller claimed that three girls had been forcibly taken away in a school van from Omerga taluka. Acting quickly, the police traced the call to a woman who was traveling on a state transport bus heading from Omerga to Pune. They coordinated with local authorities and tracked the bus as it passed through the Mohol area in Solapur district
With assistance from a local shopkeeper at the Mohol bus stand, the police managed to locate the three girls on the bus. They were safely escorted off the vehicle and taken to a nearby police station for further questioning. The Omerga police team arrived at the station along with the girls’ parents, who were relieved to find their daughters safe
Wanted To Earn Money To Meet BTS Band Members
The following day, during questioning, the girls revealed their true intentions behind the staged kidnapping. They explained that they had planned to travel to Pune to find work and earn money for their trip to South Korea, where they hoped to meet BTS members. This revelation highlighted their admiration for the globally renowned K-pop band, which has captured the hearts of many young fans around the world
BTS: K-Pop Boy Band
BTS, also known as Bangtan Boys, is a South Korean boy band that debuted in 2010 and has since become a cultural phenomenon. The group consists of seven members: Jin, Suga, J-Hope, RM, Jimin, V, and Jungkook. Their catchy music and engaging performances have garnered them a massive fanbase known as “ARMY,” particularly among young audiences