Man Asks Wife To Quit Job And Be a Housewife, She Demands Half His Company: Viral Post Sparks Debate

When she shared her decision with friends, they reacted negatively, with one calling her “disgusting.” This left her feeling uncertain about her stance.

A woman took to the internet for advice on a domestic dispute that quickly went viral. After her husband asked her to quit her job to become a full-time housewife, she made a bold counter-demand: she wanted half of his company in return.

Posting her dilemma on the popular subreddit “Am I The A**hole?”, the woman, who had no one else to turn to, sought the internet’s judgment. “AITAH for telling my husband that he needs to give me half his company if he wants me to be a housewife?” she titled her post.

AITAH for telling my husband that he needs to give me half his company if he wants me to be a housewife?
byu/Status-Mention6793 inAITAH

The woman, 35, explained that she and her husband, also 35, have been married for six years and have two children, with a third on the way. He proposed that she stop working to focus on taking care of the house and their children, citing the financial stability he could provide.

“I was very disturbed by that,” she wrote. However, she agreed to consider his proposal. After a few weeks of contemplation, she told him she would agree only if he gave her half of his company. Her rationale was based on securing her future, especially in the event of a divorce, since she would be sacrificing her career and financial independence to support his.

Her husband was initially surprised by her request. She explained that staying home would diminish her career prospects and earning potential, while he continued to increase his income. “If we never divorce, which is the goal of all marriages, then it wouldn’t matter,” she wrote. “But should it end, it would be the price of me staying home and raising our children.”

When she shared her decision with friends, they reacted negatively, with one calling her “disgusting.” This left her feeling uncertain about her stance.

The internet, however, largely sided with her. “NTA. I’m a man and I see nothing wrong with your request,” commented one user. “You’re just protecting yourself and your future in case things go south. You have every right to have financial security.”

After receiving advice from the online community, the woman provided an update: her husband agreed to her demand and gave her 49% of his company. The post received over 23,000 upvotes, with many users supporting her decision.

“To me, this sounds reasonable for exactly the reasons you’ve given,” wrote another user. “You don’t want to be trapped in a loveless or even abusive marriage because you’re financially dependent.”

The consensus among commenters was that her request was fair and a practical step to ensure her financial security, especially given the sacrifices she would be making.

This viral post highlights the complex dynamics of modern relationships, where financial independence and security play crucial roles in marital decisions.
