A teacher in Uttar Pradesh has been detained by police after allegedly assaulting a student who laughed at him for watching adult videos during class. The incident reportedly took place in Jhansi, where the teacher, Kuldeep Yadav, was caught viewing explicit content while teaching. The student’s reaction, along with a few of his classmates, reportedly led to laughter, which enraged the teacher.
According to reports, an angry Kuldeep Yadav physically attacked the student by grabbing him by the hair, slamming his head against the wall, and beating him with a cane. The victim sustained injuries, including to his ear. The student’s father filed a police complaint, condemning the teacher’s violent behavior.
Following the incident, the police took the teacher into custody for questioning. Gopinath Soni, Superintendent of Police (Rural), confirmed that a case has been filed, and an investigation is ongoing. Authorities are probing the matter and have assured swift action.
This comes on the heels of other controversies in Uttar Pradesh’s educational system, including a recent case where a school principal was caught receiving a facial treatment on campus. Such incidents have raised concerns about the conduct of educational professionals in the state.
The incident has sparked widespread outrage in the community, with many expressing their shock over the teacher’s actions. Local authorities have vowed to take the necessary steps to ensure such incidents do not recur, and the victim is receiving support from various quarters.
The investigation is ongoing, with further details expected to emerge in the coming days.
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