In an unsettling incident that has gone viral, a fight broke out between a Union Bank manager and a customer at the bank’s Vastrapur branch in Ahmedabad. The altercation, sparked by Jaiman Rawal’s dissatisfaction with the increased tax deduction on his fixed deposit, escalated quickly into physical violence. A 43-second video captures the intense moment when the customer grabs the manager by the collar, slapping him on the head.
As the fight intensified, an elderly woman, presumably Rawal’s companion, stepped in to try and de-escalate the situation, even slapping him in an attempt to stop the altercation. The chaos didn’t end there – Rawal attacked another bank employee after being separated from the manager.
The video quickly gained traction on social media, sparking concern over customer-bank relations. Vastrapur police have registered a case, and an investigation is underway.
This incident in Ahmedabad is not isolated. A similar event occurred in Patna at a Canara Bank branch, where a customer harassed a woman bank manager over his CIBIL score. The disturbing video of that confrontation shows the man aggressively pointing at the manager and later threatening her over the phone.
Bank-related disputes have often taken an ugly turn recently, shedding light on the frustrations many customers face when dealing with financial institutions. The rising tensions and growing instances of violence in such settings call for better communication and conflict resolution protocols within banks.
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