Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin has declared a cash reward of Rs 5 crore for young chess champion D Gukesh, in recognition of his remarkable achievement. Gukesh made India proud by winning the 18th World Chess Championship in Singapore on Friday, becoming not only the second Indian to win the prestigious title after Viswanathan Anand but also the youngest world champion in chess history.
In a post on social media platform X, Stalin expressed his joy over Gukesh’s historic victory, writing, “To honor the monumental achievement of @DGukesh, the youngest-ever World Chess Champion, I am delighted to announce a cash prize of Rs 5 crore! His historic victory has brought immense pride and joy to the nation. May he continue to shine and achieve greater heights in the future. Kudos to Hon’ble @Udhaystalin and @SportsTN_ for their exceptional support and encouragement in nurturing this young star.”
Support and Training for Gukesh’s Success
Gukesh has been receiving significant financial support through Tamil Nadu’s High Incentive category, part of the Sports Development Authority of Tamil Nadu (SDAT). In addition, the state government helped organize the Chennai Grand Masters event last year, providing Gukesh with the opportunity to earn important FIDE circuit points and further his career.
Gukesh himself acknowledged the vital support he has received, thanking Deputy Chief Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin and the Sports Department for their exceptional role in nurturing his talent and encouraging young athletes.
Gukesh’s World Championship Victory
Gukesh’s triumph marked a milestone in the world of chess. At just 18 years old, he defeated China’s Ding Liren in a thrilling 14th game to claim the World Chess Championship title. With this victory, Gukesh broke the previous record held by Garry Kasparov, who became world champion at the age of 22 in 1985, cementing his place in chess history as the youngest-ever world champion.
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