On Tuesday, Advocate Jai Anant Dehadrai accused TMC leader Mahua Moitra of engaging in “unlawful surveillance” on him through her connections in the West Bengal police. In a letter dated December 29 addressed to CBI Director Praveen Sood and Union Home Minister Amit Shah, Dehadrai suggested that Moitra might be using his phone number to “track” his physical location.
Dehadrai’s letter further claimed that Moitra has a history of misusing her influence and connections with certain senior officers of the Bengal Police to obtain Call Detail Records (CDR) of private individuals. According to the complaint, Moitra allegedly seeks to satisfy her curiosity by stalking the precise whereabouts of individuals and details of those they are in contact with.
The advocate also alleged that Moitra had previously tracked Suhaan Mukerji in 2019. He mentioned that Moitra had informed him orally and in writing on WhatsApp in September 2019 that she actively monitored her ex-boyfriend, Suhaan Mukerji, suspecting him of being in a relationship with a German lady.
Dehadrai claimed that Moitra, with the help of senior Bengal Police officers, had access to the complete call records and history of Mukerji’s phone, including specific information about individuals in contact with Mukerji and the exact physical location of his phone throughout the day.
Additionally, Dehadrai stated that Moitra had made threats to him in the past, expressing concerns that his car was being followed outside his residence in Delhi.
In response to the allegations, Mahua Moitra called on the Home Ministry to appoint a Special Director in the CBI to investigate complaints by “jilted exes” across India. She dismissed the accusations, suggesting that Dehadrai’s complaint was part of a trend and urged the Home Ministry to establish a special CBI director specifically for such complaints.
Moitra, who is facing cash-for-query allegations, was expelled from the Lok Sabha after the Ethics Committee adopted its report investigating the matter. She criticized the committee for not delving into the investigation’s core and accused them of deciding to hang her without a thorough examination.
It is noteworthy that Advocate Jai Anant Dehadrai was also the complainant in the alleged ‘Cash for Query’ case.
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