On Monday, Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar refuted the claims made by former Pune Police Chief Meeran Borwankar concerning the sale of land to a private entity. Pawar asserted that he had no involvement in this matter, emphasizing that district guardian ministers lack the authority to acquire land. He clarified that such issues are subject to the scrutiny of the Revenue Department before being presented to the State Cabinet, which ultimately makes the decisions.
In response to Borwankar’s assertions in her recently published book, “Madam Commissioner,” where she insinuated that the “District Minister” (without explicitly naming Ajit Pawar) pressured her to transfer auctioned land from the Pune Police department to a bidder subsequently implicated in the 2G scam by the CBI, Pawar denied involvement. Meeran Borwankar, who served as Pune’s police commissioner from 2010 to 2012 before assuming the role of Additional Director General (Prisons) in Pune, confirmed in a conversation with ANI that Ajit Pawar had requested the land transfer, but she had declined the request. In her book, Borwankar recounted a meeting at the Divisional Commissioner’s office in the city, where she discussed the matter of transferring the land with the then Guardian Minister of Pune district, Ajit Pawar.
Also Read: K Kavitha predicts BJP’s deposit loss in Telangana polls
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