In a shocking incident of animal cruelty, a Bengaluru man was arrested for recklessly driving his car with three pet dogs perched on its roof. Harish, a 38-year-old hairstylist from Chelekere near Kalyan Nagar, was apprehended by police after a video of his actions went viral on social media, sparking widespread outrage.
On December 3, Harish was seen driving his red car while blaring loud music, with one of the dogs, identified as a Shih Tzu, dangerously positioned on the roof. Despite warnings from fellow motorists, he responded with abusive language, justifying his actions with the tagline on his car: “Hari Likes Risk.” Harish’s car also displayed a fake ‘PRESS’ sticker, further adding to the controversy.
The Society for Animal Safety (SAS) filed a complaint with Bengaluru Police and other officials, highlighting the distress caused to the animals and the risk posed to public safety. Harish admitted to placing his dogs on the roof to show off and confessed that he was currently unemployed after working at a salon.
A case has been registered under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act and Section 351(2) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS). The police have seized Harish’s vehicle, and investigations are underway.
Netizens were quick to condemn Harish’s behavior, calling it a blatant act of arrogance and cruelty. Animal welfare organizations have urged stricter action to prevent similar incidents in the future.
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