Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has unveiled its list of 14 candidates for the upcoming Telangana assembly elections, with Ramchander Rao nominated for Malkajgiri and Deshpandey Rajeshwar Rao for Sangareddy. Ramchander Rao, a BJP Executive Committee member and President of the party’s Hyderabad unit, also holds a position in the Bar Council of India. He previously served as a Member of the Telangana Legislative Council (MLC) for Hyderabad, Ranga Reddy, and Mahabubnagar Graduates’ Constituency from 2015 to 2021. Similarly, Deshpandey Rajeshwar Rao is a BJP State Executive member. This marks the BJP’s fifth list for the Telangana assembly polls.
On November 7, the BJP released its fourth list, featuring 12 candidates, including notable figures like former Karimnagar and Zilla Parishad Chairperson Tula Uma (Vemulawada) and Bomma Sriram Chakravarthy (Husnabad).
In contrast, on Thursday, the Congress Party’s Central Election Committee announced its final list of candidates for the Telangana assembly elections. Key nominations include Katta Sreenivas Goud for the Patancheru Assembly constituency, Mohammed Mujeeb Ullah Shareef in Charminar, Bathula Laxma Reddy in Miryalaguda, Ramreddy Damodar Reddy in Suryapet, and Mandula Samual in the Thungathurthi constituency (reserved for the SC community).
The upcoming assembly election in Telangana will witness a three-way contest between the BJP, the ruling Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS), and the Congress. Scheduled for November 30, the election results, along with those of four other states, will be counted on December 3.
In the previous 2018 Assembly election in Telangana, the Bharat Rashtra Samithi we secured a significant victory, winning 88 out of 119 seats with a 47.4% vote share, while the Congress claimed 19 seats.
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