On Thursday, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) officially kicked off its campaign for the upcoming Lok Sabha Election in 2024, unveiling the new slogan, “Modi ko chunte hai” (let us choose Prime Minister Narendra Modi). The campaign launch, held at the First Time Voters Conclave, NaMo Navmatdata Sammelan, saw the presence of Prime Minister Modi, who, alongside party president JP Nadda, released a 2-minute, 10-second theme song titled “Sapne Nahi Haqeeqat Bunte Hai, Tabhi Toh Sab Modi Ko Chunte Hai” (We don’t just dream, we turn dreams into reality, that’s why everyone chooses Modi).
The campaign video highlighted the transformative impact of Prime Minister Modi’s leadership, showcasing how he has translated the dreams and aspirations of millions of Indians into tangible achievements. The lyrics of the campaign song emphasized India’s improved situation under PM Modi’s governance, stating that he fulfilled promises and turned the dream of a developed country into a reality.
JP Nadda, addressing the NaMo Navmatdata Sammelan, conveyed congratulations to Prime Minister Modi for the historic event on January 22, referring to the consecration of Ram Lalla after a 500-year struggle. He expressed gratitude for Modi’s adept leadership and lauded the presentation that showcased the aspirations of the youth for the country.
Speaking about the vision of ‘Saksham Bharat’ (Empowered India), JP Nadda emphasized that Prime Minister Modi had set a significant goal for the nation, aiming for a self-reliant and developed India. He expressed confidence that under Modi’s visionary leadership, India would achieve this goal.
Prime Minister Modi, connecting virtually at the First Time Voters Conclave, highlighted the global recognition of India’s glory and emphasized that when meeting global leaders, it is the 140 crore Indians who represent the nation. He spoke about the resilience of India under the “poorna bahumat sarkar” (full majority government) and the positive changes witnessed in various sectors.
Reflecting on the conditions of the country a decade ago, PM Modi acknowledged the bleak future India faced at that time. However, he noted the significant progress made since then, attributing it to the changed circumstances and the transformative policies implemented under his leadership.
Emphasizing the crucial role of every vote in a democracy, PM Modi urged young voters to join the MY Bharat organization and share their views and suggestions through the NaMo app for the BJP’s resolution letter in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, particularly focusing on the youth.
In celebration of National Voters Day, Prime Minister Modi extended greetings and highlighted the significance of the day in promoting voter registration and celebrating India’s vibrant democracy. While addressing the youth, he said, “My youth of India, please join the MY Bharat organisation. You can also keep sending me your views and suggestions through the NaMo app as to how the BJP’s resolution letter should be in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, especially what should be included in it for the youth.” PM Modi said.
Earlier, the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, extended greetings on the occasion of National Voters Day.
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