Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami offered prayers and performed the revered Ganga aarti at Har Ki Pauri in Haridwar, expressing heartfelt wishes for the prosperity and happiness of the entire state. Addressing the media, Dhami conveyed his prayers for Uttarakhand to ascend as one of the top states in the country, echoing his faith in the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the ongoing establishment of good governance in India.
Dhami shared plans for the expansion of Satikund and the arrangement of a sound show in the Har Ki Pauri area, where the spiritual Ganga aarti takes place. Highlighting the government’s commitment to enhancing the region, he mentioned ongoing efforts towards the construction of the Ganga corridor, aiming to transform it into a more developed destination for visitors from around the globe.
The Chief Minister, embracing the cultural significance of the Ganga, performed the aarti on Monday evening, extending his prayers to the holy river. In a separate event at the Secretariat in Dehradun, Dhami unveiled the e-book “Meri Yojana,” crafted by the Programme Implementation Department of the Uttarakhand Government.
Commending the department’s initiatives, CM Dhami emphasized the book’s role in simplifying the understanding of various public welfare schemes for the general public. He expressed optimism that “Meri Yojana” would prove beneficial not only for public representatives and officers but also for the broader community by providing accessible information on the application process, eligibility criteria, and necessary documentation for availing benefits from government schemes.
As Uttarakhand strives for progress and the preservation of its cultural heritage, Chief Minister Dhami’s multifaceted initiatives underscore a commitment to both spiritual and practical advancements for the state and its residents.
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