In preparation for the upcoming Madhya Pradesh legislative assembly elections, the Congress party has scheduled a screening committee meeting on Tuesday to finalize its list of candidates. The meeting, to be held at the Congress war room in New Delhi, will see the participation of key figures, including Madhya Pradesh PCC Chief Kamal Nath, AICC in charge of MP Randeep Singh Surjewala, Screening Committee Chairman of MP Bhawar Jitendra Singh, Digvijaya Singh, and other senior leaders from the state congress unit. Additionally, members of the screening committee and co-incharges from AICC will be present at this gathering.
As the polls are only two and a half months away, the Congress party has intensified its election preparations in the state. They have also unveiled a series of promises ahead of the state election, aiming to regain power in Madhya Pradesh.
The Madhya Pradesh assembly elections are slated to take place later this year, and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has already announced its initial list of candidates for the state in the preceding month. Madhya Pradesh is one of five states where assembly elections will be held this year, with the BJP currently in power.
In the 2018 Madhya Pradesh assembly elections, the Congress emerged as the largest single party with 114 seats, while the BJP secured 109 seats. However, in 2020, the Congress government lost its majority due to the resignations of several MLAs. Subsequently, the BJP formed the government in the state, and Shivraj Singh Chouhan was reinstated as Chief Minister.
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