BJP spokesperson Shehzad Poonawalla criticized Kamal Nath, the Chief of Madhya Pradesh Congress, for his recent warning to officials in Niwari district, stating that if Congress assumes power, no one will be spared. Poonawalla questioned whether the Congress party is a “Mohabbat Ki Dukan” (shop of love) or a “Dhamki Ki Dukan” (shop of threats).
Poonawalla highlighted that this is not the first instance of Kamal Nath issuing threats to officials, emphasizing the arrogance within the Congress party. He expressed concern about their behavior when out of power, raising the question of what might happen if they were to come into power. Poonawalla called for action from the Election Commission in response to such statements.
Kamal Nath, during an election rally in Niwari, warned the district officials, urging them to consider their actions for the next five years as he predicted Congress’s return to power in the state. He asserted that no one would be spared and called for the administration to be cautious about their conduct.
Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma, reacting to Kamal Nath’s remarks, criticized Congress for its perceived arrogance, stating that they focus solely on acquiring power, even though they have not won the election.
In response to BJP’s manifesto, Kamal Nath accused them of lacking original vision and merely copying Congress’s initiatives. Madhya Pradesh is one of the states set to undergo polls on November 17, with the counting of votes scheduled for December 3. The elections will determine legislators for 230 Assembly constituencies.
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