On Tuesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is on a two-day visit to Kerala, lay the groundwork for the Digital Science Park in Thiruvananthapuram. PM Modi will also lay the groundwork and launch projects in Kerala worth more than Rs 3,200 crore. According to the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), Digital Science Park is envisioned as a vital research hub for industry and commercial units to collaborate with academia to produce digital products and services.
According to the PMO statement, the Digital Science Park, as a third generation Science Park, will include shared facilities to facilitate the development of goods in the domain of Industry 4.0 Technologies such as AI, data analytics, cyber security, smart materials, and so on.
The cutting-edge basic infrastructure will enable high-end applied research by companies and product co-development in collaboration with universities. The initial investment for Phase-1 of the project is projected to be around Rs 200 crore, with a total project cost of around Rs 1,515 crore.
Earlier in the day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched Kerala’s first Vande Bharat Express, which would travel from Thiruvananthapuram to Kasargod. PM Modi officially launched the Vande Bharat Express from Thiruvananthapuram Central Station.
The Prime Minister will also dedicate the Kochi Water Metro, a one-of-a-kind project that connects ten islands around Kochi with the city through battery-powered electric hybrid boats. Apart from the Kochi Water Metro, the Prime Minister will also dedicate the rail electrification of the Dindigul-Palani-Palakkad stretch.
During the event, the Prime Minister will also lay the groundwork for a number of rail projects, including the redevelopment of Thiruvananthapuram, Kozhikode, and Varkala Sivagiri railway stations, as well as the comprehensive development of the Thiruvananthapuram area, including Nemon and Kochuveli, and the increase of the sectional speed of the Thiruvananthapuram-Shoranur section.
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