In Thiruvananthapuram, the minister for local self-government MB Rajesh announced that a conference with senior representatives from several agencies will be held shortly to solve the stray dog problem, which is becoming more and more of a concern. The state administration intends to go to the Supreme Court to ask for authorization to put down stray dogs that are dangerous to people.
The problem of stray canines has grown to be a national and international issue. The severity of the crisis is highlighted by recent events in the districts of Begusarai in Bihar, where nine women were tragically attacked by stray dogs, and Sitapur in Uttar Pradesh, where 13 children died as a result of dog attacks in just eight months.
Kerala had earlier asked the Supreme Court for authorization to put aggressive and rabid stray dogs to death in certain circumstances.
The request was turned down, though. The government’s policy is to carry out legal but efficient actions to control street annoyance. To solve this issue, public, local, and governmental authorities must collaborate. Since stray dogs tend to cluster in waste disposal areas, efficient waste management is also essential.