The Privileges Committee of the Lok Sabha is expected to endorse the recommendation to lift the suspension of three Congress MPs, namely Dr K Jayakumar, Abdul Khaleque, and Vijay Vasanth, as per sources on Friday. The trio had been suspended following a motion adopted by the Lok Sabha on December 18, 2023. In response to the committee’s summons on January 12, the MPs, during their statement, asserted that circumstances forced them to approach the Speaker’s podium, with no intention to violate rules. Apologizing for their behavior, they claimed the government had denied them the opportunity to speak in the House. The Committee of Privileges will assess all aspects and present its report to Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla, with another meeting scheduled for January 29 or 30 to officially lift the suspension. Chairing the committee is Sunil Singh, accompanied by members K Suresh, Kalyan Banerjee, TR Balu, and two others. The recent Winter Session saw a record-breaking 146 MPs suspended from Parliament.
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