Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin took a dig at the central government for banning Rs 2000 currency notes. Referring to the 2016 demonization where the center pulled out Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes to exchange them with new ones, he called the new decision a move to hide the party’s recent failure in the Karnataka Assembly Elections.
Stalin wrote on Twitter, “500 doubts 1000 Mysteries 2000 errors! Karnataka disaster to hide Single trick!” Take a look at his tweet:
Besides Stalin, several other opposition leaders reacted to the decision of banning the currency. West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee took to Twitter to write, “Another whimsical & Tughlaqi demonetisation drama of Rs.2000 notes will hit the common people hard once again by subjecting them to massive harassment. These imperious measures are meant to camouflage the fundamentally anti-people & crony capitalist nature of this regime. Such misadventures by an oligarchic & authoritarian government will not be forgotten by the people at large at the time of reckoning.”
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on May 19 announced that it has decided to withdraw Rs 2,000 currency notes from circulation and the last date to deposit or exchange the notes will be on September 30, 2023.
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