Renowned playback singer Madhura Kumbhar, winner of the prestigious 57th Maharashtra State Film Award, mesmerized audiences as she launched her latest endeavor, “Qalam-E-Ishq,” at the Savitribai Phule Auditorium in Dombivali on February 16th, 2024. The event, presented by Notes & Beats Entertainment, marked Madhura Kumbhar’s debut solo concert, promising a captivating journey through the realms of love and melody.
Madhura Kumbhar, hailed as a musical prodigy, has graced the stage of numerous reality shows including “Sur Nava Dhyas Nava” on Colors Marathi and “Idea Sa Re Ga Ma Pa” on Zee Marathi, where she emerged as a top finalist. Her illustrious career as a playback singer boasts associations with acclaimed films like “HIRKANI,” for which she clinched the Best Playback Singer award at the 57th Maharashtra State Film Awards, along with notable contributions to television serials such as “Honar Soon Mi Ya Gharchi” on Zee Marathi and “Tujhya Rupacha Chandan” on Colors Marathi. The concert, conceptualized by Madhura Kumbhar herself, featured a stellar lineup of musicians including Tabla maestro Archis Lele, Octopad virtuoso Bhisaji Tawade, Keyboardist Darshana Jog, and Guitarist Preshit Jain, all under the adept musical arrangement of Kamlesh Bhadkamkar.
The evening, organized by Priyanka Nandanwar, the founder of Notes and Beats Entertainment, resonated with melodies as Madhura Kumbhar enthralled the audience with soulful renditions of timeless classics like “Lag Ja Gale,” “Suno Sajna,” “Piya Bawri,” and many more. With anchor Kaushal Indamdar guiding the proceedings, the show garnered widespread appreciation and love from the audience, reaffirming Madhura Kumbhar’s status as a musical luminary and solidifying “Qalam-E-Ishq” as a testament to her artistry and passion for music.
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